Mr. Radha Krishna AN

Mr. Radha Krishna AN
Phone: +91-967-624-0401

Exam Branch - BRIG-IC

Mr. Radha Krishna AN, is currently working as Assistant Professor, in the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in Brilliant Grammar School Educational Society’s Group of Institutions since 7 Years. He previously associated with Avanthi Group of Institutions. He has over 10 Years of Teaching Experience.

He is pursuing his Ph.D from Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences, Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

He has completed his Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree from Avanthi Group of Institutions, JNTUH in 2009 & 2013 respectively.

He has published two international Scopus indexed papers and more than 10 national and international papers. He has attended many workshops related to Research Methodologies, EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & VLSI Design.

He, as a student, awarded Gold Medal from ISM, Bangalore in a State Level Talent Test conducted in the year 2008.

He, as a student, was the IEEE Member and he carried out many technical activities in his college as SECRETARY for IEEE Student branch.

He has qualified in Faculty Eligibility Test (FET) – 2013 conducted by JNTUH. Currently, apart from Teaching, he has extended his services as EXAMINATION BRANCH IN-CHARGE for both Engineering and Pharmacy and puts his efforts in all the possible ways for smooth conduct of examinations and JNTUH related operations. He is also the active participant in conducting all the Technical and Non-Technical events in the college and also occupies the lead role in doing all the inspection works, Academic Works, Non-Academic works for institution development.

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