

The College Library has about 35000+ titles, 18000+ volumes of books, in addition there are a number of journals and technical magazines which enable the students to improve their General knowledge in the area of specialization. The library also stocks a number of subject CD's. There is a facility for the students to borrow a CD or get it copied at a nominal price. Internet facilities are also provided in the library, with a provision that they are used strictly for Academic purposes.

Library promotes a spirit of a continuous learning environment to the students for enriching their knowledge. The library is committed to providing quality service and an excellent collection of materials to support the mission, educational goals and research needs of students, staff, faculty and administration users and in support of the College's diverse curriculum. It encourages and facilitates information competency, critical thinking, intellectual independence, and lifelong learning skills in all students, regardless of their educational goals. Through reference services, instructional materials, educational software, and support for graduate and undergraduate student research, the library strives to develop students a competitive level of information competence.


Engineering Pharmacy
Library & Reading Room 253 Sq.Mt. 152 Sq.Mt.
Seating Capacity 125 65
No.Of Volumes 16350 5200
No.Of Titles 3250 550
Online journals 1000 100
NPTELVideos (course lectures) 5200 632
Library automation e-CAP e-CAP
Memberships DELNET /J-gate DELNET /J-gate
Social Welfare Books 4500 230


Engineering Pharmacy
National Journals 48 12
International Journals 8 6

LIBRARY TIMINGS: 09:00 am to 05.30 pm